In the ocean where life began...
In the amniotic fluid which nurtures our tiny hopes...
Nature motherhood contains Salts
What we propose is
the method to bring back beautiful & healthy skin
by revealing the potential healing power that skin originally has.
For all those who suffer from skin problems...
Louis Paula is the natural back-to-basic skin care solution.
What is Louis Paula
1. Salt invented dedicatedly for skin health
Maximized the power of salt by removing the negative charactaristics
Completely removed Magnesium chloride that are naturally contained in salt but causes skin dehydration.
Polished and rounded salt partiles using special method to avoid skin damage.
2. Made out of 100% natural ingredients
Skin & environment friendly
Uses only natural ingredients that can actually be tasted. (No surfactants, emulsifiers, or preservatives contained.)
Rust-resistant design makes it easier to use at home.
3. New Concept, New Experience
Bring back the potential power of the skin
Oil is not contained in order to leverage 100% of the salt's natural power and to bring back high self-moisturizing power of the skin.
You can feel "baby-like gentle skin" instead of "moistured but oily skin". With continued use, your skin will be moisturized enough so you will not need moisturizers.
Antibacterial Effect
It protects your skin from various problems and you can feel your skin gets healthier and refreshed.
The power of salt will cleans out the pores.
Osmotic Pressure Effect
Addresses the blemishes and wrinkles
Promotes Blood Circulation
Reduces swelling and tightening.
Scrubbing Effect
Gently removes aging keratin and helps whitening and beautifying the skin.
Natural Beauty Ingredients Included
Skin Cleansing
Sodium Chloride
Hygroscopicity and Water Retention
Trehalose, dextrin, silk (M only), hydrolyzed collagen
Anti-Aging Effect
Royal jelly
Natural Mineral Ingredients
Sodium alginate
Whitening Effects
Ascorbic Acid
Skin Function Improvement